Volume 268

Updated 4/1/2024

tmroz @ outlook.com

Monthly News - Volume 268


Abby is Picture of the Month as she prepares to leave the family Easter party and drive back to school in La Crosse.  I didn't know if we'd get to see her since her spring break was in early March.  So glad to see her and I hope she had a good time -- looks like she did.


I have continued to modify the website due to a computer change which prompted me to change some of the programs I use to generate photo galleries.  This month you'll see that under the Photos tab, you'll find all of the photo galleries including the Memory Hall of Fame and Noah Memory photos.  Take a look.  Noah's have changed.  And I plan to add  more Hall of Fame photos in the months to come.  There may be more changes in the months to come as well. Let me know if you find issues.


Last month I mentioned the rather crazy weather this winter in Wisconsin.  That moderated in March with temperatures about the same as the warm February.  Actually, one day in February it got warmer than any day in March. Only one day in March did I have to shovel, making it a total of 5 days for the entire season.  I likely would have planted some seeds in the garden, if not for a stretch of wet weather towards to end of the month.  But I'm getting close.




Two notes from previous months to remember--

(Update 8/2022.  In June 2022, 2 $1000 scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors.)

(Update 6/2023.  In June 2023, 3 $1000 scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors.)






Enjoy the pictures!